According to Asphalt institute design manual, the over all objective for the design of the bituminous paving mixes, to determine an economical blend and grading of aggregates and a corresponding bitumen content which would yield a mix having the following characteristics.
- Mix should exhibit sufficient stability to satisfy the service requirements of the pavement and the traffic conditions, without undue displacements.
- It should have sufficient bitumen content to ensure a durable pavement by coating the aggregates and bonding them together and also by water-proofing the mix.
- Bitumen mix should have sufficient voids in the total compacted mix as to provide a reservoir space for a slight amount of additional compaction due to traffic to avoid flushing, bleeding and loss of stability.
- It should have sufficient flexibility even in the coldest season to prevent cracking due to repeated application of traffic loads.
- The mix should have sufficient workability while placing and compacting the mix.
- The mix should be the most economical one that would produce a stable, durable and skid resistant pavement.
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